Approach and mudflat pilots

Since the damming of the Zuiderzee, large raised mud flats somewhat similar to those in the Ems-Dollart Region have developed just off the Frisian coast. These mud flats can result in large fluctuations in the turbidity of the Wadden Sea, which could potentially have a negative impact on the marine life. It is important to the commissioning parties that greater insight is gained into the impact of mud flat development on the ecosystem as well as measures that could have a positive impact, such as stabilising them by constructing a limited system of salt marshes. This could also result in a win-win situation as this part of the Wadden Sea has a shortage of breeding habitat for birds due to the extensive diking in the past.

Role of the PRW:

Results to be delivered:

  • An analysis into the problem of mud flats and possible opportunities stemming from these will have been conducted in 2021.
  • One or more pilots will have been launched as of 2022.

Commissioning parties:

  • Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management

Follow-up action by:

  • Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management