Set of measures to reduce the impact of seabed-disturbing activities

Large areas of the seabed in the Wadden Sea region and the North Sea Coast zone are still being frequently disturbed, covered or churned by seabed-disturbing activities such as fishing, navigation channel maintenance and supplementation operations. This has an impact on the structure of the seabed and the marine life. A partial knowledge gap still remains regarding the cumulative scale and impact on ecological value. Damage to shellfish beds and seabed structures caused by churning (regular or otherwise) can result in sediment becoming more mobile (among other effects), which can cause greater fluctuations in turbidity and changes in the sediment composition. The commissioning parties believe it is important to gain insight into the cumulative effects of seabed disturbance in order to develop a set of measures to reduce the impact of seabed-disturbing activities (if necessary).

Role of the PRW:

Results to be delivered:

  • A broadly supported set of measures to reduce seabed-disturbing activities will have been developed in 2021, with implementation of the measures to start in 2022.

Commissioning parties:

  • Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
  • Natural Wadden Coalition

Follow-up action by:

  • Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management